As with species lists, an abundance scale lookup table eases data entry and helps to keep the data consistent. A default set of abundance scales comes with the install but custom scales can be imported from tabular text files that can be edited and exchanged between devices. A link in the action bar displays the active abundance scale and links to related functions in the menu.
"Natural" scales are:
Other scales with their authors are:
We are grateful if you provide other scales regularly used in your area.
If you want to import your own scale you can download the original file, edit and re-load it (menu: Lookup > Cover scales > Load from disk). The table consists of a textfile with tabular data of the following format:
"""01""";"""r""";1;Braun-Blanquet (old)
"""01""";"""+""";2;Braun-Blanquet (old)
"""01""";"""1""";3;Braun-Blanquet (old)
"""01""";"""2""";13;Braun-Blanquet (old)
"""01""";"""3""";38;Braun-Blanquet (old)
"""01""";"""4""";68;Braun-Blanquet (old)
"""01""";"""5""";88;Braun-Blanquet (old)
The header line specifies a name for the list of scales (here: Default). The specification of the columns is as follows:
Specification of columns in the file coverscales.csv
ID | Unique number of the abundance scale. The default list uses numbers (00 to 11) and scales from Turboveg to ease export and numbers 101 and following for additional scales |
Entry | Abundance code |
Percentage | A percentage used for miraculous "transformations" to metric scales. This is implemented to meet corresponding fields in export formats |
Name | Name of the abundance scale |